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© 2023 Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust

Te Whare Tīrara Archives Online


Te Whare Tīrara o Te Rangihouhiri focuses on the researching, preserving and sharing of Ngāi Te Rangi data and kōrero, inclusive of video, images, audio, written documents and oral historical accounts.  Te Whare Tīrara will strive to become strong, independent and sustainable within and beyond Tauranga Moana, to develop and safe keep Ngāiterangitanga and Mātauranga Māori from a Ngāi Te Rangi perspective.


The content held in Whare Tīrara Archives Online are historical accounts gathered over the years from 2016 to today, these accounts have been gifted to the archives by Ngāi Te Rangi uri (descendants), or sourced from local organisations and externally (National Library etc). Some individuals and place names may appear different in other documentation due to historical accounts by other iwi and pakeke with interests regarding Ngāi Te Rangi historical accounts. This work is in no way a refutation to any other and further recorded historical accounts but in fact, a correlation of events that support and preserve accounts relating to Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi.


Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust is not responsible for inaccurate or contrary accounts that may arise within these Archives. Due to missing hapū or marae historical oral and written accounts, accessible and existing sources of information were utilised.


All photos presented in this work are credited to Te Whare Tīrara o Te Rangihouhiri and owned by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust.