Te Tai Whanake
Ngāi Te Rangi is an iwi of Mataatua waka who whakapapa to our eponymous ancestor, Te Rangihouhiri. Ngāi Te Rangi iwi established themselves in Tauranga Moana and has currently the population of approximately 20,000 descendants with thirteen marae and eleven hapū. Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana – Te Ao Māori Curriculum aims to facilitate a journey of self-discovery and reconnection to Ngāi Te Rangi through our Te Whare Tīrara Archives online and resources. Ngā Te Rangi uri and Ngāi Te Rangi mātauranga cannot be separated…to know our histories and stories, is to know Ngāi Te Rangi.
Ka torongia ki te wīwī, kite wāwā e te wheke i ōna waewae hei kimi kai.
Nō te moutere oTuhua tēnei toka. Nā Hauata Palmer i whakaingoatia.
This piece of Tuhua was gifted to Ngāi Te Rangi iwi to symbolise the creation of a Ngai Te Rangi Curriculum as part
of Te Tai Whanake Ki Tauranga Moana and the fruits our content will provide for our Kura, Kaiako and uri; ākonga and their whānau.
Torohangawheke refers to how the waewae of the wheke extend out to seek sustenance for itself.
When Ngāi Te Rangihouhiri first arrived in Tauranga they settled on the coast at a pā called Torohangawheke.
We are forever grateful to our past and present kaimahi and supporters. Kaupapa as Te Whare Tīrara and Te Pae Amorangi have been integral to the further planning and building up of a Ngāi Te Rangi Curriculum that will sit in Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana Curriculum. All guidance throughout this journey has ensured quality and precious content for all, especially our uri; ākonga and their whānau who will have rightful access to their whakapapa and histories at Kura.
It’s a treasure to know that current and future generations of our uri will have the warmth and comfort of the histories and stories of their tupuna as they grow and develop their sense of cultural Identity. It’s a treasure to see the authority of iwi and hapū educational content in our Kura.
Here is to the work that everyone has done together to bring to fruition the revival of Mātauranga Māori and Ngāiterangitanga in our Kura spaces.
Te Tai Whanake is a Te Ao Māori Localised Curriculum for all Tauranga Moana schools, kura, ECE, kohanga reo and wider community in partnership with Tauranga Moana Iwi - Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Pūkenga.